Laugh laugh giggle giggle SPLAT!

While the weather and my mind tell me it’s still summertime, my teaching schedule is telling me that we are most definitely in September, as hard as it may be to believe.  I’ve got some fun gigs on the horizon, notably joining the amazing vocalist Dara Tucker for her set at the Franklin Jazz Festival.  I’ll also be traveling with Nashville’s finest funk band The Dynamites for shows in Brooklyn and near Boston.

Since it is September, I also wanted to tell you about the next featured guest at the Nashville Jazz Workshop Jam Session. But first a joke.

How do you make a euphonium player’s car more aerodynamic?

Take off the Domino’s Pizza sign.

Okay back to reality.  Our next featured guest is a man who routinely makes his audiences smile and laugh with his affable personality and tremendous sense of humor.  But that’s only a small piece of the package, because his trombone playing and musicality are second to none.  I hope you’ll join us on September 19th as we feature Roy Agee!

– evan

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